Friday, September 6, 2013

September 6, 2013

This week has been amazing! I feel like I am in Disneyland. so much to do so little time and its turning into a big huge blur because of how intense it is. All in all though, its AMAZING!!! I love the MTC! I am so so so happy to be serving the Lord and I am so blessed already in the work. 

Funny: Well, until last night I didn't have a companion! haha I am in a trio, the trifecta, the three musketeers and all it entails. My other companion never showed up! I sure hope he is okay. Everything worked out alright though. 

Spiritual: Wow. It's seriously like going to a huge lake with a drinking straw and trying to take it all in. It's really spiritual work we are going into. The first night we were here we met our district and were able to get to know them. Ihen after dinner we went to a huge meeting with a ton of people. This was where we really learned that it is teaching by the spirit that makes the work really progress. I knew that before but I really didn't understand it until we were in this meeting with a lot of districts and we were all group teaching three investigators. Even though they were just actors, it was amazing to see how they reacted and how the Spirit was there. There are a bunch of really amazing spiritual experiences around every corner. Last night my companion stood up and bore his testimony. He has such a powerful spirit around him. His name is Elder Tupua (too-poo-ah) He is directly from American Samoa. Amazing. He bore his testimony in broken English about why he was here and he was really powerful. 

Where i am at: I am in Zone 59 and last night I was selected with Elder Tupua to be the new Zone Leader! I am very excited and ready to serve. Tupua is a super humble guy and an inspiration to our whole district. My other companion is Elder Schnell and he is way cool! He is a theater kid and reminds me of Treyson Lyon without the puns... fun guy! We get along really well. the two other elders are Elder Thomas and Elder Hessal. Very cool kids, both from the same stake and now companions. Elder Schnell's comp was originally Elder Tupua but he only showed up last night. so for awhile we were faux companions. haha The mtc is such a holy place. I am really learning how to go by the Spirit and how to use it in my work. 

I love you all and am so happy! P day is today and you better believe it's Hawaiian shirt Friday! Yes! haha I am doing great! I am really tired though. its a lot lot lot of work. and all coming so fast. Exact obedience means a lot of work. That's good! I feel awesome about it. I am happy and well. I saw Elder Dijjitt, Elder Nelson and Elder Beardall. They are doing great. 

In closing, I love you all! You are in my prayers! Church is true! We focus a lot on D&C 88:11, first part especially. Church is true! How about you?

 Elder Schnell and Elder Tupua
 Elder Didgit. Perhaps a skit night?
Finally got the badge!

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