Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13, 2013

 I am loving life here for sure!

Funny - Elder Tupua is the funniest kid ever! One day during lunch he was sitting there and boy, that elder knows how to eat! He was eating and all the sudden he stopped and said "What am I eating?" It was so funny. He also one day said, "Elder Black, I want you to try Samoa food." So he pulled out one of those packages of tuna that we buy in the store and he gave it to me and said "This is what we eat in samoa. It makes good food. " I love him so much! He is my official companion now and I am very glad about that. It's really funny as well, being a zl. I have the chance to be able to greet the new missionaries who come into our zone and we just got two new districts! I love them so much already! It's really funny to see through them where I was at just a week ago. I feel like I have really grown and become much more spiritual than I ever have been before. The new districts are funny. I have already had two questions about "If I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, does my companion have to go with me too?" Hahaha. "No, Elder, you are fine to go to the bathroom by yourself. Thanks for being responsible though!" 

Spiritual: I have had an intense period of spiritual growth this week. I feel like I have really grown a ton. I had the chance to teach a TRC this week (teaching resource center.) That's basically a faux investigator and the first lesson failed dramatically. It was a real bummer for Elder Tupua and I. He wouldn't let us pray, read any scriptures, or even talk about religion at all. It was a very humbling experience. So for the next lesson we learned a ton and went in and just listened. It went really well! He asked us to sing a song for him and as soon as he said that I thought "I Am a Child of God." So I turned to my comp and asked what song he would like to sing and he said "I Am a Child of God." Amazing experience. Here at the mtc alone, I have had to give a blessing to one elder and consecrate two bottles of oil. The blessing was really inspired and because it was for healing it was very powerful. I loved every experience. I feel the Spirit more in my life guiding me every moment than I ever had before in my life. I love this place. It's a lot of hard work, but the teachers really work with you and they really are good at what they do.

What's up: So being Zone Leader I have the chance to help out those new districts I was talking about. It's really rewarding work. Elder T and I prayed for days for them each name by name and it really seemed to make the difference. They really are a good group. I also am the eyes and ears for the branch presidency and help them. I organize sacrament and priesthood meetings. I love the work. The mtc is a rollercoaster and it's really really draining. Your attitude can change on the hour. This last little while, since Sunday has been a very tiring and much more rewarding period. Some of the elders here are starting to fade out in the work and the obedience. I will not let that happen to me. It's really good to be able to push myself and some of the times where I have really learned the most and felt the most have been when I am dead tired and absolutely beat. I have never been so fulfilled and happy in my life. Weird right? My district was on shaky ground for a while. We had two incidents where there were some tears, but now, since the new districts have been here, things have gone much better. I am very happy with them. I love the work and the learning here. 

The longer I stay here the longer I realize how long two years actually is. I think it's going to be weird not coming home after two weeks. I feel though if I did come home right now I would be a totally different person. I feel that I have learned how much Christ actually means to me and to the human race and how much of a difference he is in our lives. I love it though and there is no way I am going to come home. I am grateful for p day and the chance to be able to take a nap. Haha. I feel like I have so much to tell you all and that I have so many good experiences that I can barely remember them all. I feel as if I am on fire. I keep thinking that I am so blessed to be here and to be someone that the Lord trusts to be doing his work. The emotions here are crazy! Love, fear, exhilaration, and fatigue. Don't worry, there is no way I am slowing down. I just keep pushing! The work is easy when you have the right mentality and it's been such a blessing to be able to serve these new districts. It's been able to take my mind off of so much. I love you all so much and it's really hard because I don't have a ton of time for email so letters would be easier to respond to. I have more time to think about them. I just am so grateful to have my family and be in the situation that I am in. The Lord's atonement has really blessed our family. 

I love you all so much and i would not want to be anywhere else. 

 Elder Tupua, Elder Black, Elder Schnell

Elder Tupua, President Boone (branch president), Elder Black
HIs district

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